Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Some ' Lethal' blues solos...PART 1

Right off the top of my head...some well known, others not...either way, if you play, I believe these are a must!

1. "La Grange" - ZZ Top- Tres Hombres (1973)
This solo has it all, sqeeks, squawks, and some meaty, minimalist shredding...and ya KNOW if Hendrix tells people you smoke...that says it all...

2. "Crawling Kingsnake" - John Lee Hooker- The Best (1967)
This tune is so bad-ass. This is a prime example of how 'heavy' does not have to be fast. The solo is half chords, half single notes, but oh so great.

3. "Tired of yo' Jive" - BB King- 80 (2005)
BB still kicks at 80 years old...and this tune has some tasty blues treats...not to mention a guitar duet with Willy G as well!

4. " Meet Martin Riggs" - Eric Clapton - Lethal Weapon soundtrack (1987)
Soundtrack? Lethal Weapon?? Eric Clapton?!? I know what you're thinking, but give this cd a spin (if you can even find it- insanely rare) and then tell me that every blues lick ever needed isn't found right here. In fact, the entire cd is a collection of blues fills, licks, bends and screams! GO OUT AND BUY THIS CD RIGHT NOW, or take up the flute damn you!

5. Anything from this CD soundtrack too! - Eric Clapton- Lethal Weapon 2 (1989)
Since I know you will fail at finding the first LW soundtrack, buy this off ebay since it's easier to find, and pray to the god of the Strat!


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